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■ Privacy Protection Policy

The UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 respects privacy rights and is strongly committed to protecting your privacy. We are in full compliance with the Privacy Act, Information Act and other such laws that protect privacy. We do not use your personal information for any purpose other than that set forth herein or disclose such information to any third party without the consent of the participant.

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

A. Items of Personal Information Collected
The Organizing Committee for the UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 collects the following personal information during sign-up to provide you with registration and other services related to the congress.
• Required Information
- Title, gender, country, full name, affiliation, participant’s type, contact information (phone number, mobile phone number), e-mail address, password, attendance of social programs
• Optional Information
- Department, fax number, credit card information, accompanying persons’ information
• Information collected from using service/while processing
- Records of utilizing service, logs of access, cookies, IP address etc.

B. Method of Collection
• Tools which collect generated information
• Website, application form, fax, telephone, email

2. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

The UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 collects personal information for the following reasons.
• Identification of registrant for confirmation or modification of registration details, and delivery of notifications
• To offer information or promote the congress by phone, SMS, email and DM

3. Duration of Retaining and Using Personal Information

We retain and use personal information from the date you first sign up until the purpose of collection and use of such information is accomplished. Also, we immediately delete your personal information in case of withdrawal from membership or from the Privacy Policy and Participant Agreement; once the purposes of collection and use of the personal information are achieved; and at the end of the period of retention and use.
However, we retain the following information for the specified period for the reasons below:

• For handling of participant’s demand: 30 days after withdrawal
• For giving related congress information: Until the contract termination

4. Process and Method of Destroying Personal Information

We, in principle, destroy personal information immediately after the purposes of collection and use of such information are achieved. The process and method of destroying personal information are as the following:

• Process for Destruction
- The personal information provided by the participant for the purpose of membership application, etc. shall be destroyed after the purposes of collection and use of such information are achieved for further time period in accordance with the internal policies and relevant laws and regulations (please refer to part 3, “Duration of Retaining and Using Personal Information”). Unless otherwise provided in laws, the personal information in the separate DB shall not be used for any purpose other than as specified herein.

• Method of Destruction
- Personal information will be destroyed PERMANENTLY by using such methods as stated below:
→ Personal information that is documented on paper will be shredded or incinerated.
→ Personal information that is saved in the form of electronic files will be destroyed by technical means making the records non-reproducible.

5. Providing and Sharing Personal Information

The UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 neither use the personal information provided beyond the scope set forth in this Privacy Protection Policy nor disclose your personal information for third-party individual, company or organization unless otherwise provided as below:
• Prior consent provided by participant
• Required by laws and regulations or requested by investigation agencies according to the process and method specified by laws and regulations for investigative purposes
• In circumstances where the participant or the participant’s legal guardian is unable to give prior consent (due to unknown address, etc.), but the participant or a third party needs personal information urgently to protect his/her personal safety
• Required for the purpose of statistics or academic studies in the format where the individual is unidentifiable
• Checking on participant’s identification for attendance

6. Rights of Member and Legal Guardian and Methods of Exercising Rights

• You and your legal guardian (attorney-in-fact) may at any time review or correct your registered personal information. If you notify our personal information manager in writing, by telephone or by email, we will without delay take care of your request. The name may not be modified; exceptionally, however, correction of such information is permissible if your name has been duly changed for personal or administrative reasons.

• You and your legal guardian (attorney-in-fact) may at any time withdraw your consent to our collection, use, and provision of personal information. For the withdrawal, please contact us by phone or email, or in writing. We will take necessary measures to handle withdrawal requests without delay unless otherwise required to be deferred pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, the terms and conditions, or otherwise.

7. User Rights and Responsibilities

• You have obligations to protect your own personal information, and The UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 is in no event responsible for any issues or problems arising out of the leak of personal information caused by your own negligence, inherent problems in the Internet (such as vulnerability of browsers, hacking by use of such technology or method as cannot be prevented by security measures compliant with applicable laws and regulations and as controllable despite of substantial care to prevent the same) and the like.

• You should keep your personal information up-to-date, and are solely responsible for any accidents arising out of your provision of inaccurate information.

• You are responsible to keep your ID (e-mail), password and so on securely protected. You should not assign or lend any of them to a third party. You have obligations to change your passwords regularly for security purposes pursuant to the Privacy Protection Policy.

• After using our services, you should log out from your account and close the web browser.

• You must comply with all laws and regulations concerning personal information, including but not limited to the IC Network Act, the Data Protection Act, and the Resident Registration Act.

8. Technological and Managerial Measures for Protection of Personal Information

The UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 in handling your personal information takes the following technical/managerial means to prevent loss, theft, leak, falsification or destruction in order to secure your information:

• Encryption of Personal Information

- Your personal information will be, after encrypted by safe password algorithms, kept and managed.

• Protection against Hacking etc.

- To protect your personal information from leakage or damage through hacking or computer viruses, the congress website is protected by a system with restricted access, as well as anti-intrusion devices and intrusion detection systems. We also use vaccine software to protect personal information from computer viruses. Such vaccine software is regularly updated and applied immediately after abrupt emergence of new computer viruses in order to protect personal information from being compromised.

• Restricted Access to Personal Information Management System

- To manage personal information, the congress website establishes standards on granting, modifying and canceling access privileges to the organized DB system and on methods for creating passwords and period for resetting password. We adopt various measures necessary to ensure restricted access to other personal information.

• Training of Staff Managing Personal Information

- We strictly specify that the employee who handles the personal information shall be the designated manager of personal information. We enforce managerial measures through regular training of such employees on new protection technologies and their adherence to this Privacy Protection Policy, and by granting them separate passwords to ensure management of access privileges.

- We limit the number of our employees who handle personal information to the minimum level necessary and impress on them the importance of protection of personal data through managerial safeguards, including but not limited to their training.

9. Designation of Personal Information Manager and Consultation/Report

The UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 runs ‘cookies’ that often store and search the user information. Cookies are tiny text files which The 31st International Congress on Occupational Health website server sends to a participant’s web browser. They are stored in the hard disc of the participant’s PC. Participants have a right to the choice of install cookies. Participants have the right to choose the installation of cookies. Therefore, users may set the options on their web browsers to allow all cookies, to ask whenever cookies are stored, or to decline storing of all cookies. But participants may face difficulties to use services if storing of cookies is declined.

10. Obligations of Notice

We will notify you of all amendments, additional contents or elimination in this Privacy Protection Policy on the Announcement page of the forum website at least 10 days prior to its implementation.

- This Privacy Protection Policy takes effect from August 10, 2014.

To protect the personal information of participants and to solve the complaint of participants, The UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 has designated a personal information manager. You may report opinions or complaints related to personal information protection occurred while using the congress services to the personal information manager. The UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 will send you a response in a timely manner.

Chief of Personal Information

Manager of Personal Information


Secretariat for the UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015

Secretariat for the UIP Chapter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015

Contact No.




Please contact the following organizations in case you wish to report or consult about cases of infringement of personal information:
• Personal Information Infringement Report Center ( / +82-118)
• Korea Association for ICT Promotion ( / +82-2-580-0533~4)
• High Technology Crime Investigation Unit at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office
( / +82-2-3480-2000)
• Cyber Terror Response Center of the Korean National Policy Agency
( /+82-2-392-0330)

11. Obligations of Notice
This Privacy Protection Policy legislated on December 01, 2014 and we will notify you of all amendments, additional contents or elimination in this Privacy Protection Policy on the Announcement page of the congress website at least 7 days prior to its implementation.

• This Privacy Protection Policy takes effect from December 01, 2014.